

时间:2019-12-02 09:47:00   来源:新东方在线     [字体: ]

【#GRE留学外语考试# #GRE数学重要知识点:排列#】世上的事,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。你只要记住你的今天比昨天进步了一点,那么你离你的梦想也就更近了一步。®无忧考网整理了“GRE数学重要知识点:排列”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®无忧考网!

  Permutation of Objects

  The number of ways n distinct objects can be ordered is n!.


  Number of ways 6 people can from a queue is 6!.

  Number of ways 5 different cars can be parked in 5 parking spaces is 5!.


  This does not apply if there are identical objects or ordering does not matter.

  Permutation with Selection

  The number of ways n objects drawn from a collection of m distinct objects can be ordered is m!/(m-n)!.


  Number of ways a queue of length 3 can be formed from a group of 5 people is 5!/(5-3)!=5!/2!=5*4*3=60.

  Number of possible top ten list for 150 movies is 150!/(150-10)!.


  This does not apply if there are identical objects or ordering does not matter.