在William Thackeray的小说Vanity Fair(名利场)一书中,作者描绘女子学校校长巴巴拉·平克顿给其学生写的推荐书时是这样写的:
1.Although schoolmistresses’ letters are to be trusted no more nor less than churchyard epitaphs;yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life,who is really deserving of all the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones;who is a good Christian,a good parent,child,wife or husband;who actually does leave a disconsolate family to morn his loss;...
2.A thin man in a thin overcoat watched them out of thin, emotionless eyes.(James Thurber:One Is A Wanderer)
I am busy today.
I have a busy day.(……)
3.Some fishing boats were becalmed lust in front of us.Their shadows slept,or almost slept, upon the water,a gentle quivering alone showing that it was not complete sleep,or if sleep,that it was sleep with dreams.
4.A great company came to the exhibition.(a group of people)
The company are now enjoying a feast.(a number of people combined with a common purpose)
He kept me company.(He is my guest)
We have company today.(invited guest)
The ship’s company assembled on the deck for inspection. (a ship’s crew)
以上例句中都有一个“company”,在不同的语境中就有了不同的含义(见括号内解释)。又如:In married life three is company and two none.此句中的 “company”中的意思又与上面的例子不一样,意思是“和谐”,所以全句的意思是“结婚以后,有了孩子才成其为家”。由此我们想到汉语的成语“两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水喝”可以译成“In social life,two is company and three is none.”正确理解多义词的关键是正确把握语境,也就是上下文,关于这一点我们还要进一步讨论。
例:to be on tenterhooks(心情烦乱、焦急、紧张)
1)She was on tenterhooks when she heard of her mother's illness.
2)He was on tenterhooks of expectation during our conversation.
3)I found him on tenterhooks when he was waiting for his girlfriend.
4)The President,being told of the strong earthquake in his country, was on tenterhooks every minute.
5)His parents were on tenterhooks all the time until they got his letter.
6)The students were on tenterhooks before the examination began.
7)The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for a stick.
8)The hen-pecked man was on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.
权威的英语词典Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English对英语成语to be on tenterhooks的释义有两个:(1)to be in a worried,anxious,or nervous state of mind(心情烦乱、焦急、紧张);(2) to be in a state of anxious expectation(急切等待)。上面除了第二和第三个例句,里面的成语to be on tenterhooks都属于第一个释义。尽管第二、第三个例句中的成语有“等待”之意,但其侧重点还是在于“等待造成的心情烦乱”。如果把上面例句中的英语成语全都简单地译成“心情烦乱”或“心情紧张”,译文就会显得苍白无力、枯燥无味。上面8个例句对句中同一个成语却采用了多样性译法,译文全部都采用了四字格:“坐立不安”、“如坐针毡”、“局促不安”、“心乱如麻”、“心烦意乱”、“七上八下”、“六神无主”、“手足无措”。这8条汉语成语都是“心情烦乱、焦急、紧张”的写照。但是,我们也须仔细体会不同译文之间在词义的轻重程度上所存在的细微差距。它们中的大多数并不能相互替换。
例:A short girl in a flat black straw hat appeared in the open doorway.(Herman Wouk:The Winds of War)
上面例句中的5个措辞不一的译文都是对同一个英文句子的翻译。这5个译句所表达的内容是一样的,但所采用的形式是多样化的。第一和第二个译句在形式上基本相同,并与原句形式相似,只是把修饰词“黑色的”前提到第一个位置。“扁平的黑草帽”比“黑色扁平草帽”通顺一些。 short译成“矮个儿”比“小个儿”更能反映出short的原意,而“小个儿”在英语里的对应词应该是little。一个较长的主语往往在其后面用逗号与谓语隔开。第三至第五个译句把原句中的主体部分前提到第一个分句来表述,原句中的所有定语都后移到第二个分句来表述。这是长句短译的好方法。第五个译句前后两个分句各占7个字,语言非常精简,译者是费了许多心思的,只是很像两句打油诗,读来让人感到可笑。
小心地滑Caution:Wet Floor
Mind your step
小心碰头 Mind your head
小心夹手Mind the gap
(be careful the clipping hands)
小心轻放Handle With Care
小心开水烫手Caution:Boiling Water
小心有狗Beware of Dog
禁止通车Closed to all vehicles
严禁靠近Keep off
禁止通行Street Closed
禁止入内Off Limits
禁止穿鞋Shoes Off
禁止喧哗 Keep silent
(Don’t make noise)
又如,“(性/用 )”因搭配对象不同至少有以下各表达法:
处理:single/primary treatment;
污染:primary pollution;
冻透:straight- freezing;
空气:fresh/primary air;
爆破:one pull;
付清:pay in full;
消费:one- time consumption;
误差:first-order error;
成像照片:a Polaroid picture;
性杯子:sanitary cup;
性筷子:disposable chopsticks;
性雨伞:throwaway umbrella;
性收入: lump-sum payment;
性保险: lump-sum payment insurance
用包装:non-returnable container;
用相机:single-use camera......
谨防“False Friends”
“False Friends”(假朋友)一词源自法语“Faux Amis”,指两种语言中字面意义相同而实际意义全然不同的词汇、成语或表达方式。在翻译汉语新词新义时,某些表面上与英语貌合、实则神离的“False Friends”无疑是一大陷阱。例如,时见报端的新词“假唱”,就不可简单地译作“sing in falsetto”。“sing in falsetto”表示戏曲演员等用假嗓子演唱,与“假唱”有本质区别。所谓“假唱”指歌唱演员演出时没有放声唱而是跟着预先录制的歌曲及伴奏音乐对口型,蒙骗观众。其英语对应词为“lip-synch”(陆谷孙,1989:1910)。又如,“假钞”、“假钞辨别仪”、“假酒”、“假新闻”等含有“假”字的新词并非都可用“false”来译,而应按照英语习惯分别译成“fake/counterfeit money”、“currency detector”、“adulterated wine”和“pseudo-event”。
可见,“假”字虽不起眼,却颇有名堂,并非都可译作“false”,一不小心就会闹出笑话,甚至惹出麻烦。有的“False Friends”字面意思与某些新词的实际意义相去甚远,有的截然相反。译者绝不可不求其真伪就把它们当做“True Friends”拿来就译。美国翻译理论家奈达先生曾把“未能把源语的实质译出”看作是一个“不可饶恕的罪过”(mortal sin),这就要求译者必须多读、多查、多记。
中国人的“意思”[Chinese “Yisi” (Meanings)]
(And moreover, can you teach Chinese “yisi” to your American friends or students?)
中国的“东西”(Chinese “Dongxi”)
“语言这东西不好学,得下苦功夫才行。”Upon hearing this,one of his students stood up and asked:“先生,刚才您讲到语言这东西,我们不懂,您能不能讲一讲它的用法。”
Then, the teacher explained:“A desk是件东西,a blackboard是件东西。an animal是件东西。清楚了吗?” The student seemed to understand it and repeated loudly:“这是一件东西,那是一件东西,他也是一件东西。”
“Tom不是件东西!”the teacher corrected。“Oh,I see.”The student continued to make his sentences:“我懂了,汤姆不是个东西,你也不是个东西,我们大家都不是东西。”The whole class almost laughed to death and the teacher got very angry:“你真是个糊涂的东西!”
The student was very surprised this time:“我又是个东西了吗,先生?”“是啊,”the teacher scolded,“你就是一个典型的,死心眼的,不开窍的东西!”“啊!我真的又是个东西了,多么美妙的汉语啊!”the student sighed.
这儿的东西很贵。(goods/products/items for sale)
真不是个东西!(a bad guy;son of bitch)
不要脸的东西!(disgusting person)
他还算是个东西。(a nice guy)
不管他是什么东西,我们都不怕。(any kind of person)
不管东西南北中,都要拥护中央。(east and west)
上街买东西。(things for sale)
1. 凤姐 笑道(1):“老太太别高兴,且算一算帐再揽事……”
2. 贾母 笑道(2):“依你怎么样呢?”
3. 凤姐又 笑道(3):“我还有一句话呢……”
4. 凤姐 笑道(4):“老祖宗只把他哥儿交给两位太太,一位占一个罢,派每位替出一分就是了。”
5. 贾母因问平儿:“你难道不替你主人做生日?还入在这里头?”平儿笑道(5):“我那个私自另外的有了,这是公中的,也该出一分。”贾母 笑道(6):“这才是好孩子。”
6. 凤姐又 笑道(7):“上下都全了;还有二位姨奶奶,他出不出,也问一声……”
7. 凤姐也悄悄地 笑道(8):“你少胡说!一会子离了这里,我才和你算帐!……”
8. 尤氏 笑道(9):“你这么个阿物儿,也忒行了大运了……你怎么谢我?”凤姐笑道(10):“别扯臊!我又没叫你进来,谢你什么?”
(1) warn with a chuckle (给“老祖宗”提醒,当然要笑着说了)
(2) ask (是“征求人家的意见”了)
(3) continue (“笑面虎”接着说……)
(4) urge (“只用……就行了”,这是催促的了。)
(5) reply (丫头回主母的话,当然要“笑嘻嘻地”了)
(6) approve (这个丫头很懂事,主子满意,就“赞许的”笑了)
(7) remark (大观园实际的“一把手”发话,总要作出和气的样子的,“笑着说……”)
(8) counter (“笑面虎”,果然是一等一的高手,心里不悦,脸上还笑着,“回去在算帐!”)
(9) tease (是尤氏与“姐姐”开玩笑了)
(10) chuckle (咯咯的笑声,大概是凤姐知名的特点了罢)
10个“笑”,竟然没有用到一个 smile,或者 laugh。翻译用词的多样性可见一斑。
①A Dream of the Red Mansions won the attention and love of a wide reading public soon after it was brought into the world, first in northern China and then in the south. ②For a time, the novel was on the lips of everyone and many adaptations, either in the form of a talking and singing opera of other dramatic forms, were put on the stage. ③Furthermore, many experts have emerged in China who make a career of studying this novel and are dubbed “Red Mansion experts”. ④The book has also gained influence worldwide. ⑤Having been translated into many foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese, Russian and German, it has been introduced to and accepted by people in various parts of the world. In countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan there have also emerged “Red Mansion experts”. Indeed, there is every reason to say that A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature.
本段介绍《红楼梦》在国内外的传播与影响。为使段意集中、凝练,译文分别用A Dream of the Red Mansions(句①),the novel(句②),The book(句④),it(句⑤)所指相同、形式不同的词作主语,与原语中反复出现的主题词“红楼梦”相吻合。同样,译文述说的《红楼梦》的传播与影响,先国内后国外,后采用that分句,即 A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature,几乎逐词译出,而其中主题词A Dream of the Red Mansions又与段首词遥相呼应。
Then high and low alike in both mansions were filled with joy.
The boy assented and made off in high spirits.
I've spoken to Chaixia's mother and she's consented gladly.
The junior officers were delighted.“Excellent,” they said. “Just wait here a little.”
Whenever he returned home,whether early or late,Golden Lotus had food ready.She served him with obvious pleasure.It rather embarrassed him.
Happy with their mission,they gathered their weapons.
The victorious Shi Bao returned to Hangzhou in jubilation.
Then they can enjoy their hearts’ desire without being blamed for murder.Naturally that delights them and sets them roaring with laughter.
汉语成语“欢天喜地”形容非常高兴,其中“欢”和“喜”表示高兴,“天”和“地”表示“非常”的意思,并非真正表示“天地”。这是汉语文学作品中常用的成语之一。像这样的成语并不能根据其字面意思来翻译,“天”和“地”不能译成,heaven和earth。这条成语可根据原文的实际含义来翻译:to be highly elated。我们也可用对等的英语成语来翻译:to go into raptures;to be in high glee。上面8个例句中的“欢天喜地”采用了8种不同的译法,充分显示了多样性译法的优越性:1)were filled with joy;2)in high spirits;3)gladly;4)were delighted;5)with obvious pleasure;6)happy;7)in jubilation;8)delights。
(1)be surprised or alarmed at sth quite normal
(2)be surprised or alarmed at sth perfectly common
(3)make a fuss about nothing
(4)make unnecessary ado about trifles
(5)make a fuss about(sth)
(6)fuss about[over]sth[trifles]
(7)much ado about nothing
(8)much[great]cry and little wool
(9)a flurried[hurried]ado about trifles
(10)get alarmed for[about]nothing
(11)get nothing for nothing
(12)get all stirred up over nothing
(13)make a terrible to-do about sth
(14)a storm in a teacup
(15)a tempest in a teapot
(16)a teapot tempest
(17)a tempest in a barrel
(18)a tempest in a bucket
(19)create about(it)
(20)like a hen with one chick[chicken]
(23)get jittery for nothing
(24)great alarm at a little bogey
1)Haven’t you got eyes?
2)Are you so blind?
3)Are you such a blind man?
4)You're really stone-blind !
5)How blind you are !
6)As blind as a bat !
7)What a blind man
8)A sightless guy !
9)Why are you so rash?
10)How can you be so reckless?
11)My goodness! Be careful!
12)Would you please be more careful?
Have you got a pen?
Have you got pens?
Have you got any pens?
Have you got some pens?
Have you got the pen?
Have you got the pens?
(a)When he catches a glimpse of potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor.
(b)As soon as he finds any possible opponent, he is, by instinct, to have as an inclination for winning him over with charm and humor.
(c)The sight of a potential antagonist arouses (evokes) his innate impulse for winning him over with charm and humor.
(a)The idea that he would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited.
(b)He felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.
(a)In recent years the national economies of China and Thailand have quickly developed, providing a good foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
(b)Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand, which has prepared for good economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
(c)China and Thailand,with the rapid development of their national economies in recent years, have laid a good foundation for their economic and trade cooperation.
(d)The rapid development of the national economies of China and Thailand in recent years has laid a sound foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
When he thinks …., he
As soon as … he
(a)The idea that he would go abroad for further study made him greatly excited.
(b)He felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.
When the students saw the plane, they were very happy.
The sight of the plane made the student s happy.
析:原文的同一信息在译文中以两种形式译出,两种译文中的主语大不一样,同时,主语的确定决定了谓语的选择,主、谓语确定之后又影响和决定了其它句子成分的安排。译文(a)是用“idea”作主语,按照一般的情况,idea之后常用同位语从句,故“要出国深造”这一部分译作同位语从句并置于idea之后,主要谓语动词用“make”。主谓语搭配得当;译文(b)用he作主语,主要谓语动词用“feel”。并与“excited’’构成系表结构,原文中的其它成分如“一想到要出国深造”在译文中则用介词短语“at the thought of going abroad for further study’’译出,并置于表语“excited”之后。原文的主干部分为“他就激动不已”,“一想到要出国深造”表示原因。译文(a)符合英语中以物作主语的表达习惯;译文(1))突出了主要信息,以at 引出的介词短语表示原因。
(a) In recent years the national economies of China and Thailand have quickly developed, providing a good foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
(b)Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand,which has prepared for good economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
(c)China and Thailand, with the rapid development of their national economies in recent years, have laid a good foundation for their economic and trade cooperation.
(d) The rapid development of the national economies of China and Thailand in recent years has laid a sound foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
析:四种译文分别以economies, recent years,China and Thailand 和development作主语,与它们一一对应的谓语则在选词、搭配、时态、单复数上有较大差异,但每种英译文的主语和谓语搭配得当,符合逻辑,这是翻译句子主干成分必须遵循的原则。主、谓语确定之后,其它句子成分的安排要以与主语、谓语搭配协调、传意恰当为条件。
译文(a)以economies作主语,谓语由have quickly developed充当,原文中的“为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础”在译文中以现在分词短语providing a good foundation…two countries译出,在译文中作伴随状语。
译文(b)以recent years作主语,谓语以have witnessed来充当。英语中常常可以用表示时间、地点或物质概念的无生命的名词充当主语。这里主、谓语突出,且语言简洁明了。谓语是及物动词,后需接宾语,the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand作宾语顺理成章。“为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础”的逻辑主语是the rapid development…,故以非限定性定语从句译出,以which指代the rapid development,逻辑关系清楚。
译文(c)以China and Thailand作主语,“近年来,(中、泰)两国国民经济发展迅速”以由with引出的介词短语译出,置于谓语之前,作为下文中“为两国经济、贸易合作提供良好基础’’的前提,谓语和宾语以及其它成分用have laid a good foundation for their economic and trade cooperation译出,主、谓、宾搭配得当,其它成分的位置正确。
译文(d)突出说明了中、泰两国近年来经济的迅速发展,故以“the rapid development of the national economies of China and Thailand in recent years”作主语,两国国民经济的发展为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础,译文顺理成章,用“has laid a sound foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries"译出。