

时间:2008-10-14 02:16:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]

Since China opened its door to the outside world in 1979, Beijing has made remarkable results in attracting foreign business to invest in joint ventures.

According to the pie chart, the investors in different enterprises come from 26 countries and regions. The investment of Hong Kong ranks first, accounting for
44 per cent of the total. Japan’s investment makes up 19.2 per cent, putting it in second spot. Third is the United States at 16 per cent.

评注:这篇文章是说北京地区吸引外商投资的,是一块饼图,然后首段要大家描述。我简单分析一下,第一句只要把北京换成our country,然后是百搭。第2句的开头是常用土图表作文的框架,后面部分看看,考试碰不到同样的文章。后面的三句描写手法是我要着重推荐的。第三句用了accounting for,第四句用了make up,第5句用了at。这3个词都有“占多少百分比”的意思。如果考到这类的作文能用上这3个字,再加上漂亮的首句。老师的第一印象很定来。从第二段开始,按照前面的表格,大家慢慢套。

As is shown by the graph, the rate of car accidents in the city varied from month to month in 2002. During the period from Jan. to Mar., the number of accidents grew sharply, reaching 32 in March. Then the rate began to dec
line, and there were only 26 accidents in June. However, there was a rapid increase during the summer months, the peak being 39 accidents in August. Fortunately, the rate was gradually falling in the last four months of the year. It is interesting to note that there happened to be as many accidents in Oct.

as those in Apr. Generally speaking, the trend involved a downward direction.

评注:这篇文章是说一年12个月,每月的车祸数量。我要推荐的除了表示“占百分比”的表达外,还要介绍如果描写趋势的。如果是上升,那可以用grew sharply,on the ris,be a rapid increase.如果是下降,可以用begin to decline,be gradually falling.如果考试是用曲线表示趋势的话,那能用上这5个次中的任意3个,文章就有色彩了。