逛北京 游古都
1.故宫The Imperial Palace/Forbidden City
2.天安门广场Tian' anmen Square
3.颐和园 The Summer Palace
4.十三陵The Ming Tombs来自www.Examw.com
5.天坛The Temple of Heaven
6.长城The Great Wall
7.鼓楼The Drum Tower
8.鸟巢The "Bird's Nest"
9.水立方The Water Cube
10.香山The Fragrant Hill
11.国家大剧院National Grand Theatre;
12.中国国家博物馆National Museum of China;
13.圆明园The Old Summer Palace;
14.什刹海胡同游Shichahai Hutong Rickshaw Tour;
15.798-798 Art Zone;
16.北大Peking University
17.清华Tsinghua University 18.北海公园Beihai Park